Categories for Co-Packing

When Should You Consider Hiring A Co-Packer?

February 26, 2023

Hiring a co-packer is a major business decision. It’s important to do your research and find the right partner for your needs. There are several reasons why a company might feel the need to hire a co-packer. Understanding your goals for hiring a co-packer will help you ask better questions and make the best decisions for your company. Scaling Scaling can be a challenging process, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the number of tasks you have to do. In many cases, it’s easier and more effective to outsource these tasks to a co-packer that has access to large-scale... View Article

The Benefits Of Co-Packing Olive Oil

February 13, 2023

Saves You Money  There are a lot of ways to save money when co-packing your own olive oil. For one, you can use a cheaper seed oil in your blend instead of extra virgin olive oil. You can also buy in bulk and decant it for friends and family members before you run out, reducing packaging costs. And, you can recycle tins of oil by turning them into soap and other body care products.  Saves You Time  The most important part of any co-packing exercise is the customer. A well designed and executed plan can save you a bundle in... View Article

Questions To Ask a Co-packer Company

September 1, 2022

What you should know before hiring a co-packing company will help you partner with the right business. Working with a co-packing company can save you time and money. But it is essential to ask the right questions before hiring one. Unfortunately, most companies don’t ask the right questions and hire the wrong company. So, what questions to ask a co-packing company? What Experience Do You Have in Packaging Similar Products? In this question, you want to know if the company has any experience in packaging products similar to yours. If they do, then they will likely understand your needs and be... View Article

Understanding the Legal Elements of Co-Packing

January 24, 2022

A co-packer is a type of food manufacturer that agrees to develop products based on the requirements and recipes established by a food company. Working with a co-packer allows these companies to more efficiently get their products to the shelves without having to place extra investment in equipment and real estate. Co-packing agreements can be an excellent investment for these types of businesses. Food companies and marketers can get access through these agreements to manufacturing facilities to bring their products to life at a much lower cost than they’d otherwise have to pay if they were to try to go... View Article

Liquid Manufacturing Solutions, Inc.