Categories for Labeling

From Anonymous to Iconic: Tracing the Remarkable Evolution of Private Labeling

January 29, 2024

Private labeling has come a long way since its humble beginnings as generic, unbranded products lurking on grocery store shelves. Today, private labels have transformed into household names and are often preferred over traditional brands. In this blog, we’ll trace the remarkable evolution of private labeling, from being anonymous to becoming iconic. The Rise of Private Labels: Private labels emerged in the mid-19th century as a cost-effective alternative to national brands. Supermarkets and retailers began offering their own branded products to compete with established manufacturers. These private labels were often perceived as low-quality substitutes for well-known brands, lacking visibility and... View Article

Understanding Olive Oil Labels: How to Decode the True Quality of Your Olive Oil

June 28, 2023

Understanding Olive Oil Labels: How to Decode the True Quality of Your Olive Oil Olive oil is one of the most beloved ingredients in the world, and it’s not difficult to see why. It’s versatile, healthy, and has a great taste. However, understanding olive oil labels can be incredibly confusing, and finding a quality product can be a challenge. In this article, we will cover some key tips and tricks that will help you decode the true quality of olive oil labels. Understanding the Quality of Olive Oil The first thing you need to understand is how olive oil is... View Article

Olive Oil Private Labeling – What Is Private Labeling And Why Is it Important In The Olive Oil Industry?

March 14, 2023

  Olive Oil Private Labeling – What Is Private Labeling And Why Is it Important In The Olive Oil Industry? Private labeling is a process where a manufacturer supplies goods that are packaged and sold under a different organization’s brand name. It can be used across many industries and products. Businesses often use private labeling when they are looking to expand their product offerings and add value to their customers. It can also help them build brand loyalty among their customer base. Definition Many retailers and manufacturers are turning to private labels to create products that they would not be... View Article

Labeling Regulations for Your EVOO Brand

June 10, 2021

All foods have specific things that need to be included on their labels if they’re going to be sold to the general public. For olive oil, there are additional food labeling regulations in Ohio and beyond that need to be followed. Standard food labeling information Most product labels typically include information about five things: Content: This conveys what the product is and what’s in it. Quantity: This tells how much of the product is in the package, either by weight or volume. Company/brand: This shows who is the manufacturer of the product. Contact information: Packaging will usually include a website... View Article

Liquid Manufacturing Solutions, Inc.