The Value In Understanding Olive Oil Distribution The market for extra virgin olive oil is growing in popularity. It is becoming more widely used in food and beverages, personal care, and aromatherapy. As such, there are many benefits held in understanding how olive oil is distributed and produced. Benefits Of Olive Oil Olive oil is a complex food fat that contains a mixture of triglycerides, fatty acids and other compounds such as sterols and waxes. Olive oil has many benefits for the body including helping to improve brain health, reduce risk of heart disease and lower triglycerides. This is... View Article
Olive Oil Private Labeling – What Is Private Labeling And Why Is it Important In The Olive Oil Industry? Private labeling is a process where a manufacturer supplies goods that are packaged and sold under a different organization’s brand name. It can be used across many industries and products. Businesses often use private labeling when they are looking to expand their product offerings and add value to their customers. It can also help them build brand loyalty among their customer base. Definition Many retailers and manufacturers are turning to private labels to create products that they would not be... View Article
Hiring a co-packer is a major business decision. It’s important to do your research and find the right partner for your needs. There are several reasons why a company might feel the need to hire a co-packer. Understanding your goals for hiring a co-packer will help you ask better questions and make the best decisions for your company. Scaling Scaling can be a challenging process, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the number of tasks you have to do. In many cases, it’s easier and more effective to outsource these tasks to a co-packer that has access to large-scale... View Article
Saves You Money There are a lot of ways to save money when co-packing your own olive oil. For one, you can use a cheaper seed oil in your blend instead of extra virgin olive oil. You can also buy in bulk and decant it for friends and family members before you run out, reducing packaging costs. And, you can recycle tins of oil by turning them into soap and other body care products. Saves You Time The most important part of any co-packing exercise is the customer. A well designed and executed plan can save you a bundle in... View Article