How can you improve your production process? To enhance your operations and grow your brand, partner with a co-packer. When you take advantage of olive oil co-packing in Ohio, you’ll reap a host of benefits: Cost reduction: Let someone else take on the costs of infrastructure and labor. When you take advantage of olive oil co-packing in Ohio, you don’t have to equip your facility to handle this part of the process. You’ll save on equipment, workforce and certification costs. The funds you would have spent on these items can be diverted to other areas of the company, such as... View Article
If you’ve found yourself with a little more time on your hands recently, you might be spending a lot more time in the kitchen. One great way to dress up your meals is to use your good olive oil for new recipes in Ohio—right down to your condiments. If you’ve been following the latest sourdough craze, what better way to dress up your sandwiches than with homemade extra virgin olive oil mayonnaise? Also known as aioli, this rich, tart condiment is great on sandwiches, in salad dressings, on fish and more. You can also customize this basic olive oil dressing... View Article
Olive oil can be used for a number of different purposes, not just its delicious flavor (although we think that’s the best one of all). This readily available oil can pinch-hit in a lot of different circumstances, making it a great addition to your bathroom and household cleaning cabinet—not just your kitchen. Here are some of our favorite olive oil benefits and alternative uses in Ohio: A natural bath oil: To take advantage of olive oil’s moisturizing effects, run a tablespoon or two into your bathwater. (If you’re using bubble bath, be aware that the oil will interfere with the... View Article
In addition to tasting great, olive oil has a number of proven health benefits that make it a popular cooking choice. It’s one of the healthiest fats available, full of antioxidants and can even prevent serious maladies like strokes—but did you know that there are plenty of alternative uses for olive oil in Ohio? Here are a few of our favorites—and the best part is that you don’t have to use a premium-quality olive oil to achieve these effects. Next time you have a surplus of olive oil, give these uses a try: Hair tamer: If you have frizzy hair... View Article